Pupil Premium Policy
At Chalfont St Peter Church of England Academy it is our aim to provide a happy, safe and caring environment where all children can develop an enthusiastic approach to learning. It is vitally important to ensure all children have an equal opportunity to reach their full potential both academically and socially. They also need to be encouraged to foster skills towards working independently and conscientiously.
“Pupil Premium” is funding that is allocated to schools for :
children who are looked after by the local authority
those who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years (also known as Ever 6 and FSM)
children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces.
The funding is used by schools to help close the attainment gap between these children and their peers. Schools are expected to identify the needs of the eligible children and use the funding to support their individual learning needs. At Chalfont St Peter Church of England Academy we will be using the indicator of those eligible for FSM as well as identified vulnerable groups as our target children to ‘close the gap’ regarding attainment.
Chalfont St Peter Church of England Academy’s Utilisation of Pupil Premium
We ensure that each child receives quality-first teaching and learning experiences as well as tailoring interventions to the specific needs of the pupils. Through assessment analysis, observations and discussions we gain in-depth knowledge about individual children and are able to provide a wide variety of provisions that encompass social, emotional and academic development. However, we recognise that not all children from low-income families or children who are looked after will be socially, emotionally or academically disadvantaged, nor will all children that are vulnerable or socially disadvantaged be registered or qualify for free school meals.
All teachers and staff are aware of the children who access Pupil Premium, their areas of need and the interventions and provisions they are receiving. The Senior Leadership Team and teachers will continue to gather and analyse the Pupil Premium data at assessment points throughout the year. This will enable teachers to plan appropriately and carefully track children’s successes. We feel it is essential to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any children or groups of children which the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged or are in need of a specific type of provision.
Impact on Attainment at Chalfont St Peter Church of England Academy
The attainment and progress of all children eligible for pupil premium is closely monitored. Given the small number of pupils eligible for receipt of Pupil Premium in the interests of maintaining confidentiality we do not publish specific impacts. Further information is available on request to the Headteacher.
Summary of how we address barriers
All pupils have equal access to high quality teaching and learning opportunities as research shows quality first teaching has a significant impact on pupil progress.
High quality feedback is also proven to accelerate pupil progress so school policy and procedure is designed to ensure this takes place.
Pupils are closely tracked and if necessary additional targeted provision is put in place to accelerate progress and enable them to attain at age related standards or greater depth. Additional provisions are closely monitored for impact and changed or adapted as necessary.
Nurture groups and emotional support programmes are organised by our SENDCo. We also provide Play Therapy/Play based counselling for identified children.
If children lack life experiences it impacts on their ability to be creative and place the curriculum they are studying in any real life context. By providing a broad range of enrichment activities we enable children to enjoy learning, see its relevance and make better progress.
Pupils who are already achieving at a greater depth are offered a range of activities both inside and outside school to broaden their learning experience.
We support parents to support their children. This enables learning beyond the school day, improves attendance and pupil welfare and creates a more positive attitude towards school.