Welcome to
Chalfont St Peter CofE Academy
At Chalfont St Peter CofE Academy we have high expectations of our children and set challenging targets for them. Every child is encouraged to reach their full potential and we recognise that every child is special and has their own contributions to make.

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So proud of this young lady and CSPA family member! She planned a bake sale, baked all the cakes herself and run her stall for her year group to enjoy. All to raise money for Cancer Research UK! Amazing effort, wonderful kindness and outstanding dedication. Well done #cspa #cspfamily #cspacademy #chalfontstpeter #cspvillage #kindness #bakesale #thinkingofothers #cancerresearchuk
In PSHE, year 3 have been thinking about our VIPs - the family and friends who are important to us. As part of this learning, we read Charlie Mackey's The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse, a beautiful book which has the theme of friendship at its heart. The children then came up with their own versions of inspirational quotes based on the book - we think they did a fantastic job! #cspa #cspacademy #cspfamily #chalfontstpeter
We all enjoyed Number Day yesterday! Scavenger hunts, maths games and data handling projects to name just a few of the activities! #cspa #cspacademy #chalfontstpeter #cspvillage #numberday2025 #nspccnumberday
In Year 4, the children have been reading 'How to train your dragon' by Cressida Cowell. They have then written their own stories! Three boys came to share them with me and now I'm sharing them with you! Enjoy! #cspa #chalfontstpeter #cspacademy #creativewriting #inspirationalreading #year4
If you would like to join our teaching team, please contact the school for more information. #cspa #chalfontstpeter #cspacademy #teachingopportunities #joinourteam
There was so much to enjoy about Class 7's assembly today but this is definitely my favourite part! #cspa #cspacademy #chalfontstpeter #classassembly
Meet our new house captains and school council members for the spring term! Congratulations on being elected by your houses! We know you'll be brilliant!#cspa #cspacademy #chalfontstpeter #cspvillage #year6 #housecaptains #schoolcouncil
Congratulations to two of our Year 3 boys who gained 1st and 2nd place in the Chalfont St Peter Library writing competition. They attended an awards ceremony last Saturday with their families and were presented with their awards by Sarah Green MP. We are very proud of you boys! #cspa #cspacademy #chalfontstpeter #chalfontstpeterlibrary #creativewriting
Year 5 are very much enjoying their computing lesson this afternoon! #cspa #cspacademy #chalfontstpeter #year5 #computing #computingsuite
Life, learning and fun is back in full swing at CSPA. Today, Olivia came to see me to share her amazing writing with me. I had to share it with all of you too! #cspa #cspacademy #chalfontstpeter #creativewriting #settingdescriptions #amazingwork
The Year 4 Nativity performance of Straw and Order has been a wonderful success this week! Congratulations and well done to everyone...Christmas has arrived! #cspa #chalfontstpeter #cspacademy #nativity #merrychristmas
A PTA hot lunch and also a Christmas Jumper Day to raise money for Liberty's Legacy created a special day for CSPA on Friday. Thank you for bringing joy, showing compassion and sharing such generosity. #cspa #chalfontstpeter #cspacademy #libertyslegacy #generosity #fundraising #christmasjumperday #jinglebones
Our PTA Christmas sales were a great success this week! Raising money for the school and celebrating the joy of giving too. I hope our CSPA families enjoy their gifts. Merry Christmas! #cspa #cspacademy #chalfontstpeter #cspvillage #christmassales #ptafundraising
The first night of the Year 6 Production 2024 was a roaring success! The children were fabulous - we're so very proud of each and every one of them. Two nights to go! #cspa #cspacademy #chalfontstpeter #year6production
It's almost showtime! Our first dress rehearsal is tomorrow! Good luck Year 6! #cspa #cspacdemy #chalfontstpeter #year6production #showtime